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Son of Dork
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Indulás: 2005-08-08
Hírek/Interjúk : son of dork interview

son of dork interview

  2005.11.11. 17:34

még jó,h angol:PP

son of dork interview

son of dork interview Son of Dork are the newest band on the pop block. Formed by ex-Busted member James Bourne; they are Steve Rushton (lead vocals/bass), Chris Leonard (guitar/vocals), David Williams (guitar) and Danny Hall (drums). Bourne has stuck to a winning formula of guitar-led pop, mixed with catchy melodies and stick-in-your head lyrics, coupled nicely with cheeky good looks. They are going to be big.

blueyonder caught up with the boys in um, lively spirits and got to hear a sneak preview of their album.

What was it like auditioning for the band?
Steve: James was like Simon Cowell.
blueyonder: Was it like X-Factor?
David: He was like 'You have no hope in life, you are sh*t -- get off.'
James: I was just looking for a good band. Good people who could play. Nice people. Good people.

So you're pretty excited to be in the group?
Steve: Fantastic. We're on cloud nine. You see that silver lining? We're on it.
David: I'm over the moon, girlfriend. We've had about five Berocca's each and we're all like way hey!

What is your name all about?
Steve: Itis from a film called Problem Child. The main character is a bit of a loser. There's this one scene where he's playing baseball, and the crowd are shouting `son of dork', and it sounded so good chanting it. James thought of it.
James: Yeah I was on a chair lift in Vancouver. Plus it sounds better than everyone else's name.

So James are you the main songwriter?
Steve: No, Lisa Scott-Lee wrote half the album with James.
blueyonder: Really?
James: Yeah, she wrote our first single.
Steve: Actually that's a lie. James wrote the whole album. It was done before we auditioned for the band.
David: He did most of the shit before we got there.
James: But it's Ok. Because they'll be another album, and another one after that, one that follows that. Plenty of time for us to all write.
David: Then we'll go off and do our individual projects and come back together again. I'll do a Robbie Williams Swing When Your Winning type album.
Steve: I'll go into Baywatch and take over from David Hasselholf as I'm quite hairy. Dan will become a Shaolin Monk.
Dan: I will. There's a monk called Suan Dork who's 80 years old and dedicates his life to building temples.
Chris: Thank you Google.

What is your album like?
Steve: We're influence by American bands. Green Day, Blink 182, New Found Glory.
James: Yellowcard, My Chemical Romance
Chris: Michael Jackson, The Donnas
Danny: Barry White, Lionel Ritchie, Lovebites.
They all crack up laughing
Chris: Danny really does like Lionel Ritchie. He plays `Hello' a lot. I hear it from his room next door.

Do you all live together?
Chris: I live with Danny and Steve. We live next door to James' house.
Steve: We've had loads of complaints from our neighbour George.
Chris: He's regularly livid.
James: He's quite famous for selling mine and Matt's basketball hoop and selling it to the scouts when we went to Germany.

Steve gets out Son of Dork branded plectrums.

What other merchandise have you got?
Chris: Drum sticks, bottle openers,
Steve: Condoms.
blueyonder: Is that for the groupies?
Steve: Yeah, condoms for the second single. With our heads pointing upwards.
James: (dead pan sarcasm) Pillow cases, hot water bottle covers. I'm not even lying.

James -- are you still in touch with your Busted pals?
James: We all good friends. The papers just makes out stuff which isn't true.

Do you have plans to crack the US?
David: We're going to. Now crack in the US -- now that's a subject.
Steve: What do you think about the crack situation in the US? Dork's an American word, our sound and video are quite American.
David: I don't see why the American's won't like it.
Steve: Simple Plan are big in America and they didn't write any of their first album. So if they can do why can't we?
James: We'll take a conker to America and throw it on the ground and say 'I just conquered US soil.'
blueyonder: Terrible.
Steve: What's green and goes 150mph? A lambor-greeny.

Their first single Ticket Outta Loserville is out 7th November.

Sharon Fried-Jones


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