James és Matt
Son of Dork
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Son of Dork
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A látogatottságunk:
Indulás: 2005-08-08
Hírek/Interjúk : english:PP


thesun.co.uk  2005.11.07. 22:14


The Dorks get Busted
Son Of Dork
Answering your questions ...
Son Of Dork pop in The Sun Online

Sun Online

JAMES Bourne is back with his brand new band Son Of Dork - however some of his new bandmates reveal they hated his old group Busted.

Welsh madman Dave Williams and drummer Danny Hall managed to work their magic at the auditions despite not being fans of James, Matt and Charlie's cheesy pop band.

The hunky five-piece - also made up of co-frontman and bassist Steve Rushton and guitarist Chris Leonard - release their new single Ticket Outta Loserville on Monday and admit they have all reached rock bottom at some point in their lives.

All the boys have had their hearts broken and former bad-boy Danny spoke about his troubled teenage life.

Hi - I think you guys are fantastic. Can you believe what has happened over the last few months?
Amy Lewis, West Midlands

All (apart from James) - It is amazing!

J – I can’t believe it too. It is doubly insane for me. I never expected to be in a band as big as Busted and now I'm starting out again.

Everyone has their lucky breaks but I’m thinking ‘When is my luck going to end’. If this band gets really big it would be nice to put it down to not being a fluke and instead down to our good songs.

D – We’ve been kicked straight into the music scene. Everyone has gone nuts. I can’t believe it. Obviously the Busted connection has helped a lot. So far everything has gone without a hitch so we’re waiting for something to go wrong!

S - I noticed I did have quite a gay fan base but now they have moved onto Dave.

You guys are releasing your single on the same day as Madonna – what chart position would you be happy with?
Belle, Fulham

D – I don’t think being at No1 means anything these days. I mean Crazy Frog got there. However I’d love to get there just because it is such a tough week competition-wise.

J – If we got to No3 I would be very happy. Busted went in at No3 in a ridiculously hard week with their first single.


Have any of you ever felt like you were in Loserville? 
Ben, Milton Keynes

C – All of us! If you get dumped you all end up in Loserville. It’s not good.

D – Yes I’ve been dumped.

J & S - Us too.

Dan – Me too. I also got sacked. When I was 17 I worked in a chicken factory packing dead chickens in Queensbury. I was meant to work for 12 hours but I couldn’t stand it and just worked six and got the sack. I mean I was putting giblets in boxes.

I also worked in a video shop and got sacked for watching an 18 rated film whilst kids were about. It wasn’t a rude film – just scary. I didn’t really care when I was younger. I didn’t like being told what to do.

Did you like Busted when they were together?
Jo, Harlington

D – No me and Danny didn’t at all.

Dan – No I didn’t like it. Not my thing.

S – I did!

J – It's no skin off my nose.

Son Of Dork
Big screen stars ... the boys admire our work

James - did you ever consider going solo?
Matt, Kensington

I thought about going solo but I thought it wouldn’t be as much fun. I would have got a record contract whatever.

D – I reckon being in a band with your mates is the best thing ever. It’s great that you can celebrate with the others.

J - Originally five members was the very maximum I was going to have. Everyone is important to the band but I was looking at four people right until the final day.

Do you think you'll surpass the achievements of Busted?
Gavin, Brentford

J - Yes I think Son Of Dork has the potential to be bigger than Busted. Busted were only around two years. Towards the end we were huge and had a worldwide appeal and I think that will help.

Do you think you'll have the same fans as Busted?
Gill, Derby

D - Of course man. I hope so.

Chris - Without a doubt.

James - We’ve already started getting fan mail from all over the world - places such as Brazil, Denmark, Japan, France and Australia. It's insane!

Are you still friends with Matt and Charlie?
Mick, Alton

J - Yes I saw them the other night actually. Charlie changed a lot while he was in Busted. Sometimes people don’t deal with fame very well.

Towards the end he started to hate the music. He hated the life and what people expected of him. People always expect you to act like you work at Disneyworld and smiley all of the time. That’s why he left.

Matt is going solo and will have a record out next year. We could have worked together but we decided against it. We just thought that because we had done Busted together we should do different things. We were both capable of establishing our own careers.

Were you surprised Matt went into rehab?
Ed, Wales

J - I thought it was good when he went into rehab. He was a good boy. He’s better now.

Son Of Dork
Thumbs up ... (l-r) Danny, Chris, James, Steve and
Dave are looking forward to the release of their new single

What do you think of Fightstar?
Juliet, Norwich

J - I don’t know a lot about that sort of music so I can’t really say. He has chosen to do a more alternative thing.

D - I’m not a fan. It’s not my sort of stuff.

J - Alternative music doesn’t have much of a fanbase.

Why are you called Son Of Dork? Is it because your dads are dorks?
Sadie, Tunmbridge Wells

J – It’s from a film called Problem Child. It was my decision. I think it is memorable and no one will forget the name.

It also abbreviates very well. If you do the initials you get ‘SOD’ which is cool. And we will be Son Of Pork if we all get fat.

D – And we might get called Son Of C***. Our dad’s weren’t dorks! They’d beat us up if we said that! Steve’s dad drives a Harley. He is rock 'n' roll.

Is Dave the real Dork of the band?
Sally-Anne, Devon

D – Probably. The debate has been a bit up in the air at the moment but yes I probably am.

C – Yeah he is a proper emo.

What were you doing before you joined the band?
Amy, Wellyn

Dan – I used to sell credit cards and run a woman’s shoe concession for Dorothy Perkins. I didn’t like the shoes but it paid me money!

D – I worked with computers. I was the town hero. I was a genius!

S – I was at college studying music technology and working part time at Sainsbury's.

C – I was playing guitar with Busted. I used to do the arena tours. I’m on the old DVDs with really bad long hair. It was like Danny’s from McFly. He modelled his hair on mine!

James, was it difficult finding new band members?
Angie, Bristol

J - I knew instantly which members I wanted. It was really hard though because I met a lot of bad people. I was under a lot of pressure to get the band together quickly. However I definitely wouldn’t have rushed if I didn’t think I had the right people.

D - We were the best of a bad bunch!

J - Danny was the best drummer I saw. Steve was the best singer.

Stu from Big Brother auditioned. Obviously he didn’t make the band but we gave him a fair audition. He was a seriously big fan of Busted. He said: "I love track 11 off your second album. It is is my favourite song ever".

Girls came to the audition but not very many. If a girl was good enough I would have had them in the band.

Are you trying to steer clear of the pop scene with Son Of Dork?
Brad, Henlow

J - No not at all. We want to be a pop band!

S – Green Day are a pop band at the moment. They are playing arena tours.

J - I don’t want to be compared to boy bands just because we have five people though. I want people to know we are NOT a boy band. People who say that are wrong. 

What do you think of McFly?
Larry, Merseyside

C – They are good friends of ours. Danny is an awesome guitarist.

Dan – I never listened to their stuff before I joined this band but they are really talented boys.

J – They will have long careers for the right reasons. They played our video at their concert. A lot of fans who liked Busted liked McFly and now they like us.

Steve, I heard you put raw ham and peas in Dougie from McFly's bed. Is this true and if it is what were you doing in his bedroom?
Charlotte, Sheffield

S – Yes I did. It was my idea! We were round their house after they played Wembley.

Check back at The Sun Online on Monday for Part Two of our exclusive webchat.

  • Son Of Dork’s debut single Ticket Outta Loserville is out on Monday
  • Their album Welcome To Loserville is out on November 21.

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